Cybersecurity is a complex field. It protects computer systems, networks, and digital information against unauthorized access, theft, damage, or loss.
But data is only protected if you know what jargon to use and how to use it correctly. This article will examine cybersecurity jargon to help you understand the terminology used in this field.
Using Jargon Correctly
When people talk about cyber security, they often use jargon. However, when used incorrectly, jargon can become a barrier to communication. Knowing the difference between cyber security jargon and everyday language is important to avoid using it when possible.
When used in the right context, jargon is a type of shorthand understood by members of a particular group. It can make it easier to communicate ideas in a specific field, as it can eliminate the need for lengthy explanations. This is especially useful when discussing technical topics, such as cyber security.
For example, a doctor may use jargon when discussing a medical procedure with anesthesiologists and nurses. However, when a doctor uses vocabulary when talking with patients, it can create confusion because the patient will need help understanding the terminology.
In addition to technical jargon, there is also functional jargon. Functional jargon is the vocabulary used within a specific profession or industry niche. It is a way of simplifying communication to help save time and improve efficiency. This jargon can also make it difficult for individuals outside the field to understand what is being discussed.
A child’s attempt to communicate their needs is one of the earliest examples of jargon speech. This process begins with crying and progresses to gurgling, cooing, and babbling. Eventually, this gibberish becomes recognizable as “mama” and “dada.” It is important to recognize that children are attempting to communicate and that their jargon is just their functional terminology variation.
Using Jargon Wrongly
When jargon is used in the wrong context, it can be unclear for those outside the field. For example, “synergy” can have multiple meanings depending on the context and industry. Using jargon incorrectly can make people feel uncomfortable or like they don’t belong.
For example, a teacher’s use of terminology can cause their students to feel confused and insecure about their abilities. This may lead to them hiding questions or not participating in discussions because they fear being exposed as unintelligent.
Many professions use jargon to communicate with one another. Lawyers use legalese, academics use academese, and the technology industry has a commonly used vocabulary. Terminology, slang or dialect is language specific to a group or profession.
While certain professional groups must have a vocabulary they can share with other members of their profession, it should not be used to exclude or mislead others. The word jargon is related to the verb jarring, which refers to the noise made when an object moves or shakes. Similarly, jargon has pejorative connotations because it is often used to obfuscate or confuse rather than add clarity.
Using Jargon in the Right Way
Jargon is a type of shorthand that members of a specific group use to communicate. While it can be useful, it can also be confusing when used incorrectly. This is particularly true regarding cyber security, where criminals can use jargon to gain unauthorized access to a victim’s accounts. To avoid this, it is important to understand how jargon works and how hackers can use it.
There are several types of jargon, including technical, functional, and industry. Experts in a particular field use technical jargon to communicate with each other. This jargon can be difficult for people not experts in the area.
For example, a mechanic might use technical jargon when discussing repairs with customers. Professionals in their daily work use functional jargon to save time and energy. This jargon is easy for those familiar with the term to understand, but it can confuse others.
Industry jargon is a term used to describe words that are unique to a certain profession or industry. For example, a lawyer might refer to an “amicus curiae brief,” or a teacher might say they have an “instructional meeting.” This type of jargon is useful because it allows people to discuss complex topics in a short amount of time. However, it can be difficult for people outside the field to understand.
Using Jargon the Right Way
When used correctly, jargon can be useful to ensure that all parties understand the same meaning. It can help to speed up communication, increase efficiency, and improve accuracy in the workplace. However, when misused, jargon can be a barrier to communication and lead to clarity and trust.
There are several types of jargon, including functional, technical, and industry. Practical jargon is a language commonly understood within a certain discipline or profession, such as when a lawyer uses the term “amicus curiae brief” or an IT professional talks about a “performant.” Technical jargon refers to vocabulary specific to a particular field, such as when a software developer references the “back-end” and the “front-end” of a program.
Another type of jargon is social or psychological jargon, a language consciously designed to exclude and denigrate others. This jargon is often found in closed-minded cultures or groups with a strong sense of entitlement. It can also be seen in certain professional fields, such as medicine and law, where a doctor or lawyer may use jargon to hide their biases or enhance their status in the community. While this differs from most professionals’ intent, it is a problem that must be addressed.